When it comes to digital marketing, let’s not overlook the humble email. It’s been around since the dawn of the internet age, and it continues to provide impressive return on investment (ROI). So let’s talk about how to finesse your email marketing campaigns for optimum results in 2023.

Crafting a High-Quality Subscriber List

First, we need to discuss your subscriber list. Buying a list is no longer a viable option in today’s GDPR-compliant world. The focus is on consent-based lists. Quality over quantity should be your mantra here.

For example, if your business is in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) sector, consider offering an exclusive white paper on industry trends to entice subscribers. The specificity attracts genuinely interested prospects, laying the foundation for a higher engagement rate.

Business-Savvy Tip: Keep your sign-up forms short and easy to complete. Ask for just the email and perhaps one more qualifying data point, such as business size or industry. Any more fields could lead to the prospect getting bored and frustrated and clicking away.

Advanced List Segmentation

Moving on, the concept of list segmentation is paramount. If you run an e-commerce platform, you probably want to segment your list by customer lifetime value (CLV). Higher CLV customers might receive personalised incentives, while lower CLV segments could be targeted with re-engagement campaigns.

Out-of-the-Box Thinking: Real-time behavioural segmentation is gaining traction. This approach puts people into lists based on what they do, not where they are or how much money they make. Machine learning algorithms can help you segment automatically based on live user activity, making your campaigns more personalised and timely. 

A/B Testing: The Competitive Edge

A/B testing is the compass that guides your campaign strategy. The benefit of small, iterative tests cannot be overstated.

When introducing a new product line, test different subject lines to gauge customer interest. Is “Revolutionise Your Workflow with X” more effective than “Why X is the Industry’s New Standard”? Who knows? But the data will tell you.

Next-Level Strategy: If you have the bandwidth, venture into multivariate testing. It’s A/B testing on steroids, allowing you to test multiple variables in tandem. This can save a huge amount of time and effort once you have set it up.

Email Automation: The Silent Workhorse

Automation is not about ‘setting and forgetting’; it’s about ‘setting and optimising’. Email automation can be like an automated trading system, executing actions based on pre-set criteria.

For example, a B2B company selling office supplies might set up an automation sequence triggered by the action of a customer buying a printer. A subsequent email would recommend ink, paper, and maintenance services, resulting in cross-selling success.

Futuristic Approach: AI-powered predictive analytics can be coupled with automation to not only react to user behaviour but also to anticipate future actions. It’s like forecasting market trends but for individual customer journeys.

Email marketing remains an integral part of a diversified digital marketing strategy. By investing in a quality subscriber list, using advanced list segmentation, rigorously applying A/B testing, and capitalising on the power of automation, your business is positioned not just to adapt but to lead in today’s competitive market. Contact us today if you would like to apply some of these email best practices in your business.