Blog - Digital Advertising

How to create a content marketing plan

September 15, 2020 | Mogul

Any brand can increase brand awareness and sales by the odd post here and there but those who are really successful have a plan and make smart strategic decisions. Without a strategy, success or...


Google Ads sanity checklist

August 26, 2020 | Matthew Miller

Google Ads can be a really great way to get your products and services in front of a lot of good prospects in a hurry. But it can also be incredibly frustrating, complicated, and confusing. And if...


What is the data NOT telling us?

July 15, 2020 | Matthew Miller

Data is everywhere these days. We are constantly assaulted with it, in just about every sphere of our lives. At work many of us are ruled by KPIs (key performance indicators - see my earlier blog...


How to create an effective email newsletter

May 5, 2020 | Mogul

In these changing times, communication with our customers and clients is so important. As we move in-between alert levels we need a way to tell our customers how we are operating and communicate...


How to make your website successful

June 20, 2019 | Mogul

Creating a successful website starts before you talk to developers, and doesn’t end when the new site launches. There are many moving parts involved in making a website effective for your...


Being Customer Centric

May 3, 2019 | Mogul

Putting Customers First Have you ever got so deep into a marketing project or campaign that you get so focused on the implementation and managing all the moving parts that you forget about who it...