Blog - November 2009

Accelerate 2010 Website

November 25, 2009 | Mogul

We helped launch Rod Drury's Accelerate 2010 business event, a day of interactive workshop discussions for high-tech entrepreneurs and managers covering strategy, marketing and funding. This...


Congratulations to you – our clients!

November 20, 2009 | Mogul

Many of our clients were involved in the recent HB Chamber of Commerce Business Awards. Resource Development Consultants Ltd were finalists in the Online Innovation Category while Kennedy Park...


Think Aviation Training Website

November 12, 2009 | Mogul

This month we expanded our reach into sub-Saharan Africa with Think, a commercial aviation training and consultancy firm based in Kenya. The site is based on the MODx CMS allowing total content...


Upgrades to Fruitbowl

November 11, 2009 | Mogul

We introduced you to the Fruitbowl website in our last newsletter, and it has taken off beyond our expectations! Fruitbowl has quickly become a hub for Hawke's Bay businesses and local leaders and...


Tuckbox Website

November 10, 2009 | Mogul

Tuckbox Street Style Kids Clothing is a new street style clothing range for 4-12 year olds which is designed by Sophie and Amy from 3SIXTY and made in New Zealand. We've created a single page...