OVĀVO: Freeze dried avocado powder

Valic is the owner of King Avocado, one of New Zealand’s largest avocado orchards, supplying supermarkets and food service customers across New Zealand, Australia and Asia.

Andrew from Valic and NZTE Beachhead Advisor Geoff Devereux approached us to develop a website to market freeze dried powder from avocado flesh to sell as an ingredient to the food and cosmetic industry. Under the new value-add brand OVĀVO (the name was George’s idea!), we also developed a digital marketing strategy to maximise search traffic for the new brand and generate leads with Hubspot. Design thinking guru Peter Roband also helped hugely with a fantastic workshop on Auckland’s K Road.

“We needed an agency that could deliver a first-rate website for our innovative new product range, as well as the strategic vision to help us develop our brand and marketing strategy. Mogul have delivered in every respect, and we highly recommend them.”

– Andrew Vivian, OVĀVO Innovator