Blog your way to business success

Why is blogging essential for your business?

Your blog is your own PR machine, TV channel, talkback radio station and printing press all rolled into one. A blog is a great tool:

  • To build brand awareness
  • To boost your search engine rankings
  • To improve customer relations
  • To show knowledge & earn credibility
  • To get new clients/make sales

Fact: small businesses with corporate blogs receive 55 percent more search traffic than small businesses that don’t blog.

Matt’s blogging tips

  • Provide useful and well-written content that is relevant to your readers – and Google will reward you with good rankings.
  • Write blog article titles with relevant keywords for search engine optimisation.
  • You must have a plan to update it regularly. Find a happy medium of blogging frequency (weekly, monthly, or more?).
  • Establish a content strategy and editorial calendar so you have lots of ideas for articles up your sleeve.
  • Read the top blogs in your industry to see what your competitors are doing.
  • Stay on top of industry news and track the comments to see what your customers and potential customers are interested in and talking about.
  • Find bloggers/reporters in your industry and develop relationships to cross-pollinate content.
  • Create an open dialogue to get visitors to respond to your content – always invite people to comment.
  • Write ”How to” articles, they are very popular and tend to draw a lot of attention.
  • Always answer comments and questions.
  • Add video, photos and images.
  • Consider the types of things that spread virally across the internet. They are usually funny, outrageous, shocking, and unique.
  • Add a poll to your blog. This is a great way to get your readers involved.
  • A recent study found that only 16% of people read word for word online – this should remind us that we need to write our blogs so they are scan-friendly. Think short paragraphs and bullet points.
  • Be controversial. Be bold. Have an opinion. Have a personality. Don’t be afraid to make a controversial statement.
  • Write your blog as if you were talking to people. Don’t just report news – people can get news from a million places online. Share your opinion and insights instead. Make sure your blog shares insights that they can’t get anywhere else.
  • Make it easy for readers to share your articles with their friends by using Twitter and Facebook sharing buttons.
  • Measure – look at your stats and determine which posts get the most traffic and the most comments. From here you can get a feel for the topics and length of your most popular posts and then use that as a guideline going forward.