Take the bull by the horns now to prosper in a post-Covid economy: SME 1:1 Support Services

We’ve created an exciting new offering for businesses: ‘Take the bull by the horns now”.

This is a tailored advisory service for SMEs who want to look past survival and focus instead on thriving in the post-Covid economy. Online is now the dominant platform, it will be for some time, and we can help!

Mogul is an established Regional Business Partner (RBP) provider and any business affected by Covid-19 can apply for up to $5,000 of funding from RBP to access this service. If this sounds like you, check the criteria at the bottom of the page and either register for your assessment, or get in touch with your RBP Growth Advisor.


This support is aimed at helping businesses to regain control, identify new opportunities and carve a new path. We’ll help you prioritise what you can do right now, and you’ll start working on how you’re going to kick ass in a post-Covid world.

Take the bull by the horns in the post-Covid economy SME 1:1 support may focus on:

  1. How your customer’s needs have changed and how we can continue to meet their needs, and/or meet their new needs.
  2. Ways to unlock value from existing assets – people, infrastructure, resources etc.
  3. Opportunities to adapt products and services, or create new ones.
  4. Attract and retain valuable clients and find new ways to add and extract value.

Examples of how you might use this support:

  • Design a customer experience to take your business online, including online ordering and contactless product and service delivery.
  • Create a service offering around your product.
  • Implement an automated client onboarding and culture program.
  • Assign excess resource to internal projects (R&D, product development, marketing).
  • Digital marketing and advertising, lead capture and conversion.
  • All of the above!

The key outcomes will be:

  1. A prioritised list of actions that the business is able to implement. i.e. practical, doable stuff not NOT high-level documents.
  2. The business will be able to identify the issues that need to be immediately addressed, across a broad spectrum of areas.
  3. The business will have identified market opportunities and have a clear vision for the new ways of doing business that needs to be adopted to give the business the best chance of success and sustain it for the longer term.
  4. The business will be introduced to tools and strategies to identify and prioritise the work needed to achieve this transformation and ensure business continuity during and after Covid-19.

NB. 1:1 support will be specific to each business’s needs.


SME 1:1 Support Services Criteria

To access 1:1 support the SME will need to:

  • Be impacted by Covid-19
  • Have undergone an assessment with a Regional Business Partner (if you’re not registered you can do so here)
  • Have fewer than 50 full-time equivalent employees
  • Be registered for GST in New Zealand
  • Be operating in a commercial environment; and
  • Be privately-owned businesses, or are a Maori Trust or incorporation under the Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 or similar organisation managing Maori assets under multiple ownership.

Businesses meeting these criteria will be able to access up to $5,000 (excl. GST).

If this sounds like you, register for your assessment, or get in touch with your RBP Growth Advisor.