Our new product Strea.ma set to make its US debut

In a less than a month our new product Strea.ma will be making its US debut – as the official social media display wall at Xerocon San Francisco. And there’s a little boat race going on at the same time; you might have heard of it. It’s called the America’s Cup.


We’re stoked to have Strea.ma play a role in a huge week as New Zealand shows America and the world the best of its business, technology, and sporting prowess.

In case you haven’t seen it yet, Strea.ma is our new cloud-based web application that aggregates and displays social media updates from the world’s favourite social networking sites. Using Strea.ma, you can create your own personal real-time streams of social media content that Strea.ma will display in a beautiful interface. It’s especially good for live events like conferences, concerts, and sports events.

We’ve been to a few events where social media was being used and we saw how cool it can be. Social media makes events a lot more interactive and fun and creates a lot of buzz, but the experience can be pretty chaotic and fragmented. It’s very difficult to get an overview of the many conversations that are occurring from moment to moment. Some people post to Facebook, others to Twitter or Instagram. Some people use a hashtag, some don’t, and often the same event will have more than one hashtag going at the same time. And if people are posting photos, it can be difficult and time-consuming to collate the photos for sharing and displaying them.

With Strea.ma, you can automatically bring all of these updates, conversations and images into one easy-to-use, beautiful display, and everyone can see your tailored stream of content unfolding in realtime. When people see a stream of social updates on Strea.ma, they are much more motivated to join the conversation, share a thought, or upload a photo.

Strea.ma is perfect for anyone who wants to bring their event to life with social media. Check it out today at http://strea.ma.