Elephant Hill Estate Winery is a stunning and innovative winery and restaurant in Te Awanga, Hawke’s Bay.
Magdalena Vandenberg and the team at Elephant Hill enlisted our help in late 2010 to formulate an effective online marketing strategy to bring more people to the restaurant and to increase online wine sales. We also designed an email campaign to create a highly qualified database of customers who would be receptive to hyper-relevant targeted promotions and offers.
At Elephant Hill, we were looking for a solution to best qualify our database and be more effective with our digital marketing strategy.
The key result was a dynamic and fresh online digital campaign that netted a database of qualified people who are keen to hear from us on a regular basis.
The most valuable aspect of working with Mogul is that that we now have a segmented database based on quality not quantity. We can now confidently communicate with our customers about topics that are relevant to their interests.
We realise now that a website is now longer adequate and the digital landscape is an important part of any marketing strategy or business plan. Mogul has superior knowledge in the digital online marketing arena and is able to help you understand it all by ascertaining your needs and objectives. It’s all in bite size pieces of information that are logical and understandable.
– Magdalena Vandenberg, Marketing Manager, Elephant Hill Estate Winery