Are you up to speed with online marketing? Take the survey & win an iPad

Online marketing has rapidly become one of the most important ways for businesses to promote their offerings and keep their customers informed, as more and more of us use the web to research before we buy.

Just about every business has a website and an email newsletter and right now we’re seeing a huge amount of activity as companies around the world add social media strategies to their online marketing mix with tools like blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

So what about here in Hawke’s Bay?

  • Are Hawke’s Bay businesses embracing this global shift away from traditional marketing?
  • How are Hawke’s Bay businesses taking advantage of the new marketing opportunities available to them online?

At Mogul, our aim is simple: to help Hawke’s Bay businesses to be smarter than other regions in their online marketing activities e.g. our Google Places initiative, so the next step is to conduct an online marketing survey to:

  • Gather relevant local information to share with local businesses.
  • Identify which online marketing channels Hawke’s Bay businesses are using and how.
  • Analyse what sort of results they’re getting.
  • Establish where your business fits in with the rest of Hawke’s Bay.

We’re putting up a nice shiny Apple iPad 16GB 3G (worth $1000.00) as a draw prize* for completing the survey and we will present the findings to participating businesses**.

Once the results have been analysed, you’ll be invited to attend an interactive workshop where Mogul will provide expert online marketing tips and advice that will apply to you and your business, and will help you to get your business up to speed online.

And tell your friends and colleagues!

*Prize will be drawn on the 17th September 2010.
**The identity of all respondents will remain confidential in accordance with the ESOMAR Code of Conduct.